Kaguya Reisebüro
Nachrichten von unseren Kunden:Nakagin Capsule tower

Nakagin Capsule Tower befindet sich derzeit in Krisensituation.
Das Gebäude wurde 1972 von einem berühmten Architekten, Kisho Kurokawa, erbaut.
Es handelt sich um ein Apartmenthaus mit der Kapseln und ist sehr einzigartig.
Jetzt ist es eine Abrisskrise.

Wir arbeiten daran, dieses wunderbare Gebäude zu schützen.
Die Tour zu besuchen ist eine der Aktivitäten.

Wir haben eine tolle Nachricht von einem unserer Kunden bekommen.

Vielen Dank! Herr JM.


I want to thank you and your organisation for an enjoyable and highly informative guided tour of that Nakagin Capsule Building, last Thursday.

My interest in that construction goes back in time, even before it was constructed. The Metabolist approach to the new world order – now becoming a reality – conditioned my Architectural and Theoretical work from the 1960’s. So to enjoy the chance to enter and appreciate it was most important to me.

Arata Isozaki has written:

One day I noticed two books … sitting side by side on a bookshelf, and realised it is possible that two types of architecture from two different places (spatiality) and times (temporality) can be equidistant from my position, not to mention similar to my methodological preferences. —

So that same idea too had conditioned my Metabolist thinking.

I have a developing Blog – https://space-cell.com/2018/01/29/zen/

that explores this, if it is of interest to you. As the world has become techno home to New Nomads the unique and prophetic Capsule Tower should be known and better appreciated

With my best wishes to you in the ongoing protection and promotion of Nakagin Capsule Tower.

Nakagin Capsule Tower(Regelmäßige Tour jeden Donnerstag)