Kaguya Reisebüro
Kakigori(Shaved Ice), Japanese summer sweets

Summer in Japan is very hot.
Over 30-35 degrees Celsius is normal and it can get as hot as 40 degrees Celsius.
The humidity is high, so air conditioning is essential.
I would not recommend traveling to Japan in the summer.

But if you are in Japan in the summer, be sure to try the summer foods.
It will be a little cooler that way.

Kakigori(Shaved Ice) is one of the most popular summer foods in Japan.
It is a sweet treat made of shaved ice topped with fruits and syrup.

Kakigori has a long history.
In an essay written by a writer a thousand years ago, she describes eating kakigori.
A thousand years ago, there were no freezers, so the ice that formed in winter was stored in primitive refrigerators called “himuro.”
They were brought to the imperial palace in the summer and eaten with sweet syrup.
The syrup is said to have been extracted from a sweet-tasting plant.

Over a thousand years, Japanese kakigori has evolved and can be enjoyed in a variety of flavors.
There is also a store that specializes in kakigori.
They are very tasty, so you should not eat too many of them.

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