For all who are planning a trip to Japan.
Japanese group travel has resumed.
Only travel agencies registered with the Japanese Government Quarantine System (ERFS) are allowed to receive foreign visitors.
It is also mandatory to be accompanied by a tour guide during the trip.
Wearing a mask and purchasing travel insurance are also mandatory.
First of all, only approved Japanese travel agencies can register with ERFS.
My small travel agency is one of them.
And the tour guide to accompany the trip does not have to be a qualified Japanese tour guide.
However, they must speak perfect Japanese and be able to contact the authorities.
Of course, I can also arrange for a tour guide.
Last week, my small travel agency registered with the ERFS system.
I can issue an “acceptance certificate” for you and your clients.
Those who receive the certificate will be processed individually for a visa.
It takes 5 business days (or longer) to issue a visa.
Group tours can take place with a minimum of one person. Since a tour guide is required, this would be expensive but good for sightseeing trips, etc.
I can plan trips for you to all areas of Japan, including places that are not so well known as destinations. Because of the Corona pandemic, some things have changed in Japan regarding tourism, but you don’t have to worry. I can personally see the situation in the various travel areas and give you the best possible advice.
Mag.Mariko SUGIE
Kaguya Reisebüro LLC