Kaguya Reisebüro
Information about the earthquake in Ishikawa Prefecture and what I would like to tell you about it

On January 1, 2024 at 16:10, a severe earthquake occurred on the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture.
The town of Wajima, famous for its morning market, was badly damaged.
It was New Year’s Day and many young people were returning home. So they fled with their elderly parents on their backs.
Sadly, some people died under the old houses.

Also affected is Kagaya in Wakura Onsen, a very famous ryokan in Japan. Unfortunately, this ryokan was also damaged by the earthquake and will remain closed in January.
Kagaya was a favorite place of former Taiwanese President Lee Teng-hui. That is why he invited a branch of Kagaya to Taiwan. Of course, we, the employees of the Japanese travel industry, also have great confidence in this ryokan.
After a severe earthquake, the guests of the ryokan were brought to safety by the staff. All the guests thank them.
The choice of hotel in Japan is very important as it can sometimes be a matter of life and death.

There is now a wide choice of accommodation in Japan.  Rental apartments without a reception are generally nice, but there are no staff to help you in an emergency.
Many of the houses that collapsed were older buildings. Before staying in a hotel that has been converted from an old private house, you should be aware of the safety.
The Japanese are a supportive people, but in an emergency situation they are primarily concerned with themselves and their families.
It should also be noted that the first messages are only in Japanese. Some information is available in English, but only after the Japanese news is published.

I have no intention of scaring you.  Japan is a country with many natural disasters, and the Japanese people have been living with them for centuries. Natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons can occur anywhere in Japan.
The Japanese live with nature and accept it.  The earthquake in Ishikawa Prefecture changed the topography of Wajima.  Now the Japanese are in mourning. But a new city is being built there. But a new city will be built there in the future.

Not all Ishikawa prefectures are inhospitable for travelers. Traveling is still not possible in northern Ishikawa prefecture, but it is not a problem in the south.

〇My information box also contains information that cannot be made available to the public.

〇If you need travel advice, please use my concierge service.
