Kaguya Reisebüro
Japanese ingredients. Would you like to try them?

Occasionally I have the opportunity to eat with some of my clients. Japanese cuisine often uses ingredients that are only native to Japan, and I am often asked for information about them. To be precise, they are not only found in Japan, but also in other Asian countries.

For example, bamboo shoots. Bamboo shoots are young bamboo plants that can be eaten in spring. Wild vegetables are also among the foods eaten in spring. Europeans often cook mushrooms in the fall, which evokes a similar sensation. The Japanese feel spring when they eat wild vegetables. Of course, the Japanese also love mushrooms.

Not forgetting the Japanese herbs.
Shiso is an herb leaf that is often served with sashimi. It has antioxidant properties, contains vitamins and minerals, is healthy and never decorative.
Mitsuba is another herb that the Japanese love. It is often found in miso soup or chawanmushi (steamed egg with broth).

The Japanese also eat a lot of root vegetables.
The lotus root is the underground stem of the lotus plant. We often eat it as tempura or as a cooked dish. Sometimes it is also added to Japanese curry. It contains vitamin C and is a very healthy vegetable.
Burdock root is also commonly eaten in Japan. It is often cooked with carrots and seasoned with soy sauce and sugar. Sometimes it is also cooked and made into salads.
It is rich in fiber, which is also healthy.

Speaking of burdock, there is an anecdote about an Australian soldier who was taken prisoner during the Pacific War and complained of mistreatment.
Japanese soldiers complained that burdock roots were added to the meals to feed the prisoners, while the prisoners, who were unaware of this, were fed tree roots.

There are also some interesting potato varieties in Japan.
First of all, I would like to mention konnyaku. This is a food made from a type of taro tuber. It is rubbery and soft and has no calories per se. The Japanese often eat it as a stew, but it is also popular when made into a sweet jelly. As it has no calories, it is a very popular food, especially when dieting.

The Japanese also love long taro. It can be chopped up and mixed into okonomiyaki (“Japanese-style pizza”) or made into a sauce with stock and served over rice.

Japanese cuisine is becoming more and more popular all over the world, but there are still many foods that are not so well known. Ramen and sushi are of course delicious, but you should also try other dishes.

What would you like to buy in Japan? What you should look out for when shopping in Japan.

My small travel agency also offers a concierge service and receives a lot of requests.
I can’t talk about the specific wishes of my clients, but I am happy to advise them on their purchases in Japan.

Some tourists come to Japan without inquiring beforehand because they think that in Japan you have easy access to everything you want For most things it’s not a problem, but it becomes more difficult when you want to buy something specific.
The time you will spend in Japan is limited. It is better to inform yourself in advance.

Special care should be taken if you want to buy antiques or works of art.
This is because some goods require documents issued by the Japanese government and are subject to customs inspection when leaving Japan.
Naturally, the documentation process takes time.

You also need to be careful with electrical appliances.
Electricity voltage may differ between Japan and other countries. Please note that in such cases, electrical appliances purchased in Japan cannot be used at home.
Some large electrical stores carry appliances that can be used worldwide. Ask the shopkeeper before you buy.

Tax-free shopping is not possible everywhere. Most small stores do not offer it. The current system in Japan is that the stores take care of the VAT refund. Customers pay the tax-exempt amount. No tax refund procedure is required for airport customs.
However, the system is currently being revised to allow travelers to make the VAT refund themselves at the airport. The exact date of the change is not yet known.

My small travel agency will be happy to assist you with your purchases.


Travel Concierge


On your next trip, why not try an Ekiben: a special lunch box that you can buy at the station.

It is considered impolite to eat or drink on trains or the subway, which you normally use to get to work or school.
But not so on trains that travel long distances.
Some trains also have small tables and cup holders that can be used for meals.
The Japanese look forward to eating on these trains.

There used to be dining cars on Shinkansen trains, but unfortunately not anymore.
But the Japanese have not given up eating on long-distance trains. Because eating with a view is much more pleasant.

In the large stations where Shinkansen trains arrive and depart, there are usually ekiben stores. Here, many people ask which lunch box they should buy. It’s always a lot of fun.
The railroad magazine can also publish articles evaluating the popularity of the various ekiben.

The ranking of the Ekiben at Tokyo Station is as follows.

No. 1 Gyuniku domannaka
This is a beef bowl-style bento with ground beef and beef stew seasoned with a special sauce on a bed of Yamagata rice.

No.2 Chicken Bento
Introduced in 1964. It is a combination of fried chicken and tomato flavored rice. The former emperor (Akihito) is a big fan of this bento.

No. 3 Sumibi-yakifu Gyutan Bento
A specialty from Sendai – grilled beef tongue – on a bed of rice. It is served with salt obtained by boiling clean seawater and seaweed off the coast of Shiogama, Miyagi Prefecture.

When you buy a bento, pay attention to how you hold the box. You should always keep it flat. Otherwise the beautiful presentation will be ruined.
The drinks can be Japanese tea or beer. These are also sold in bento stores.

Unfortunately, vegan and vegetarian ekiben are hard to find. This is due to the Japanese way of thinking. The Japanese believe that not only animals but also plants have life. For this reason, they are taught from childhood to be grateful for any food.
If there is food that is taboo for you, it is better to stock up beforehand at a specialty store and take the food with you on the long-distance train.

Ekiben are a part of Japanese culture. It is a Japanese food culture that has been around since 1885.
I want everyone to get to know Japanese culture and try good Japanese food.

↑ No.2 Chicken Bento

↑ No. 1 Gyuniku domannaka





Are you afraid of earthquakes in Japan? With the right knowledge, you have less to worry about.

Nankai Trench earthquakes are earthquakes caused by the impact of the land plate (Eurasian plate) on the oceanic plate (Philippine Sea plate) under the Pacific side of Japan.
According to the government, a major earthquake in the Kyushu region has increased the likelihood of such an earthquake. This is because the plates under the sea are connected to each other.
Nankai Trench earthquakes generally occur at intervals of 100 to 150 years, and as more than 70 years have passed since the last Nankai Trench earthquakes (1944 and 1946), the next earthquake is becoming increasingly likely.

All Japanese people know about earthquakes, and earthquake drills are held regularly in schools. Everyone is trained not to panic in the event of an earthquake.
When an earthquake occurs, the first thing to do is to protect yourself. That is the most important principle.

There is a unique Japanese indicator for the degree of intensity of earthquake tremors, which we call SHINDO (seismic intensity).  The Japanese judge earthquakes by this SHINDO value.they are numbered according to the magnitude of the earthquake. Explanations can be found below.

SHINDO 1 : Some people who are indoors will feel the vibrations slightly.
SHINDO 2 : Most people who are indoors will feel the vibrations. Some of the sleeping people will wake up.
SHINDO 3 : Most people indoors will feel the tremors.
Some people who are on foot will feel the tremors. Most people who are sleeping will wake up.
SHINDO 4: Most people will be frightened. Most people who are walking will feel the shaking. Most people who are asleep will wake up.
SHINDO 5-Weak : Most people are afraid and want to hold on to things.
SHINDO 5-Strong : Most people find it difficult to walk without holding on to things and have other difficulties with activities.
SHINDO 6 -Weak : Difficulty standing.
SHINDO 6-Strong and SHINDO 7: They cannot stand or move around unless they are crawling on the floor. Sometimes they are unable to move and are lifted into the air by the shocks.

The Japanese will behave as usual until SHINDO3.
At SHINDO 4, the Japanese are worried about the earthquake.
SHINDO 5 and higher cause problems, e.g. trains stop. Near the coast, people flee to higher ground because of the tsunami danger.

If you are in a hotel, the hotel staff will advise you; if you are on a train, the train staff will direct people. If you are in the city, a Japanese person nearby will probably speak to you. But they will only speak Japanese. Many Japanese people do not speak English. It would be good to learn some basic Japanese vocabulary in case of emergency. I doubt anyone would resort to a translation app in a hurry.

In the event of a severe earthquake, electricity, gas and water supplies are interrupted. Cell phones are also no longer functional. If the power goes out, ATMs and credit cards cannot be used. You should always carry some cash in Japanese yen with you. You should also have a drink and something to eat such as chocolate or cookies in your bag. If you have no other options, you will have something to drink or eat.

For about 2000 years, the Japanese have lived in Japan with earthquakes and typhoons.
I want you to enjoy Japan, but I also want you to have some reverence for nature.


My small travel agency can also offer simple Japanese courses before the trip via ZOOM or Skype.
In addition, the concierge service provides advice in emergencies.


Japanese people don’t speak English. Is that bad?

A customer of mine who had traveled to Japan asked me why the Japanese don’t speak English.
He probably thinks the Japanese are a superior people with a high-quality education.
I am very flattered by this misunderstanding. But unfortunately his perception and the reality are different.

It is estimated that only around 10% of Japanese people speak English.
In larger cities such as Tokyo and Osaka, the proportion is much higher, but in rural areas, English-speaking Japanese are very rare.
While some people can communicate with a translation app, others refuse to do so.

Japanese learn English in junior and senior high school.
Some children go to an English tutoring school when they are in elementary school.
However, many Japanese do not speak English.
So my client asked me why the Japanese don’t speak English.

Japanese people only speak Japanese on a daily basis and therefore do not feel obliged .
There is no situation where a foreign language has to be spoken.
I think that’s the reason why the Japanese don’t speak English.

If there were books that could only be read in English and movies that could only be watched in English, the Japanese would speak English better.
But conveniently, various things of interest to Japanese people have been translated into Japanese.
This may be inconvenient for foreign travelers.

Even in hospitals, English is often not spoken.
Doctors read medical articles in English. They understand English, but many cannot communicate well in English.
It is therefore advisable to check whether interpreting services are included in the travel insurance.

It is advisable to learn basic Japanese before entering Japan.
In particular, it is useful to learn the Japanese words you will need in an emergency.
Japan is a country prone to natural disasters. Initial information will naturally be provided in Japanese.
Obtaining information in English takes more time.
Many Japanese do not speak English, so it depends on luck whether someone can translate for you.

My small travel agency can also offer simple Japanese courses before the trip via ZOOM or Skype.
In addition, the concierge service provides advice in emergencies.


Small museums in Tokyo.

One of my hobbies is visiting museums. When I travel abroad, I always visit the museums in the cities there.
It is very satisfying for me to see real paintings and sculptures that can only be seen there.
Maybe many of you have the same interest as me, so I would like to give you some tips about the museums in Tokyo.

There are a lot of information sources available about the National Museum in Ueno and other famous big museums.
Therefore, I would like to introduce some smaller museums in Tokyo. There may be little information about them.

〇Matsuoka Museum of Art

This is a small museum that focuses its exhibitions on the collections of Japanese industrialists. I particularly like the collection of Buddhist statues.

〇Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum

The museum was once built as the private residence of the imperial Asakamiya family.
Today it is managed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, including the beautiful Japanese garden.
There is a very nice restaurant at the entrance to the museum, which is also recommended.

〇Seikado Bunko Art Museum

The museum was founded by the former presidents of the famous Japanese corporation Mitsubishi.
The museum used to be located in a suburb of Tokyo, but has recently moved to a new location near Tokyo Station.
Here you will find national treasures. The collection is impressive, not only from Japan but from all over the East.

〇Mitsui Memorial Museum

The Mitsui Group is another well-known Japanese corporate group. This museum has a collection that was acquired by the Mitsui family.
If you are interested in Japanese art, you will love it.

〇Sumida Hokusai Museum

If you are interested in Ukiyo-e, this museum is for you.
Visitors can view the works of the great ukiyo-e artist Hokusai.
The building, which is the work of Kazuyo Sejima, is modern and unique.

There are also other small museums in Tokyo. Our concierge service can give you recommendations depending on your preferences. In addition, it is also possible to find out about exhibitions.


Messages from customers

I received a happy message from  my client.
Thank you!

These clients are very interested in Japanese art.
I am very happy that they enjoyed both new and old Japanese culture.

The nice photos were taken by the customer.


Wir sind zurück von unserer wunderbaren Japanreise, erfüllt von vielen Eindrücken und Erlebnissen. Alles hat super geklappt: das haben wir auch Ihnen zu verdanken!

Das staatliche Gästehaus in Kyoto war ein sehr wertvoller Tipp von Ihnen: wir haben so gestaunt ob all den Handwerkskünsten und Perfektion der Gestaltung. Die Teezeremonie war ebenso ein sehr schönes und beeindruckendes Erlebnis.

Auch mit dem Mieten des Autos gab es keinerlei Probleme und wir durften Fujisan bei strahlendem Wetter erleben! Naoshima war dann eines unserer Highlights und es war toll, die verschiedenen Museen und Kunstwerke mit dem Fahrrad zu erleben.

Ich danke Ihnen von Herzen für alles, was Sie für mich und uns getan haben. Es war eine Reise, die uns unvergessliche Erinnerungen beschert hat.

Japanese delivery service, Takkyubin 

Have you ever heard of the Ghibli animated film “Kiki’s Little Delivery Service”?
It is the story of a cute little witch, Kiki, who is trained to become a big witch by working for a delivery service.
This delivery service is called “Takkyubin” in Japan.
“Takkyubin” is a registered brand name of Yamato Transport, a well-known Japanese shipping company, and Ghibli received permission from this company to use the name.
Yamato Transport not only allowed this, but also supported this wonderful animated film as a sponsor.
Yamato Transport’s trademark is a black cat. It is also a black cat that Kiki is traveling with, which is a nice coincidence.

Yamato Transport is the best-known delivery service in Japan, but there are also others.
Parcels can be sent from convenience stores and other Takkyubin counters.
If you send a parcel from Tokyo to Osaka, for example, it usually arrives the next day.
However, due to a shortage of drivers, this has become more difficult. Nevertheless, parcels can still be delivered the next day.
However, it can take longer on Hokkaido, Okinawa and remote islands.

Travelers can also use Takkyubin.
Not every hotel offers them, but you can often use a takkyubin from reception. Of course, they also take care of travelers’ luggage.
It is also possible to pick up a package or suitcase at the hotel using Takkyubin. The hotel employee then collects the luggage on behalf of the customer.
However, you must contact the hotel in advance to send and receive your luggage.
To avoid the risk of terrorist attacks, unannounced checked baggage may be returned.
In addition, the guest list is checked, so luggage checked in under the wrong name may not be accepted.
Therefore, please ask the hotel receptionist to contact the recipient.

Unfortunately, there is no reception desk in private apartments,
Takkubin is not available as there is no one to receive the luggage.
There is therefore a possibility that your valuable luggage will be lost.

If you use the Takkyubin service skillfully, you no longer have to carry luggage when traveling.

Below is the homepage of Yamato Transport for tourists.

Yamato Transportation

My travel concierge service will be happy to answer any questions you may have about using Takkyubin.

Messages from customers

I received a happy message from  my client.
Thank you!

The couple has traveled not only in Japan but also all over the world.
Mr  Jan Knüsel, who appears in my client’s message, runs a Japan news website called Asian Spiegel.

Asian Spiegel

There are very few golf courses in Japan where foreign visitors can play, but I am glad you enjoyed it.

Kyoto’s “Kita-no-odori” is a springtime event in which geiko and maiko dance wearing beautiful costumes.
I am very happy that they enjoyed the traditional Japanese performing arts to the fullest.

The nice photos were taken by the customer.


Wenn man in Japan ein Auto mieten will, benötigt man als Schweizer Bürger/in nebst einem internationalen Führerausweis eine japanische Übersetzung desselben. Auf Empfehlung des Japanspezialisten, Jan Knüsel, gelangten wir im Vorfeld unserer Reise an Frau Mariko Sugie. Sie hat uns die japanische Übersetzung innert kürzester Zeit organisiert, bzw. das Original an unsere Heimadresse in die Schweiz geschickt.
Im Vorfeld hat sie uns zudem Tickets für die Kitano Odori Vorführung in Kyoto beschafft, die wir selbst nicht bestellen konnten, und uns in unser Hotel in Tokyo gebracht. Auch hat sie für uns einige Abklärungen betreffend Hotels und Golfresorts gemacht.
Unsere Anliegen hat sie immer sehr schnell und kompetent abgewickelt, wofür wir ihr sehr dankbar sind. Bei weiteren Japan-Reisen werden wir ihre Dienstleistungen gerne wieder in Anspruch nehmen und können Sie daher anderen Japan-Reisenden bestens empfehlen.

Information about the earthquake in Ishikawa Prefecture and what I would like to tell you about it

On January 1, 2024 at 16:10, a severe earthquake occurred on the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture.
The town of Wajima, famous for its morning market, was badly damaged.
It was New Year’s Day and many young people were returning home. So they fled with their elderly parents on their backs.
Sadly, some people died under the old houses.

Also affected is Kagaya in Wakura Onsen, a very famous ryokan in Japan. Unfortunately, this ryokan was also damaged by the earthquake and will remain closed in January.
Kagaya was a favorite place of former Taiwanese President Lee Teng-hui. That is why he invited a branch of Kagaya to Taiwan. Of course, we, the employees of the Japanese travel industry, also have great confidence in this ryokan.
After a severe earthquake, the guests of the ryokan were brought to safety by the staff. All the guests thank them.
The choice of hotel in Japan is very important as it can sometimes be a matter of life and death.

There is now a wide choice of accommodation in Japan.  Rental apartments without a reception are generally nice, but there are no staff to help you in an emergency.
Many of the houses that collapsed were older buildings. Before staying in a hotel that has been converted from an old private house, you should be aware of the safety.
The Japanese are a supportive people, but in an emergency situation they are primarily concerned with themselves and their families.
It should also be noted that the first messages are only in Japanese. Some information is available in English, but only after the Japanese news is published.

I have no intention of scaring you.  Japan is a country with many natural disasters, and the Japanese people have been living with them for centuries. Natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons can occur anywhere in Japan.
The Japanese live with nature and accept it.  The earthquake in Ishikawa Prefecture changed the topography of Wajima.  Now the Japanese are in mourning. But a new city is being built there. But a new city will be built there in the future.

Not all Ishikawa prefectures are inhospitable for travelers. Traveling is still not possible in northern Ishikawa prefecture, but it is not a problem in the south.

〇My information box also contains information that cannot be made available to the public.

〇If you need travel advice, please use my concierge service.



The rules on Mount Fuji are changed.

From next year, the way to climb Mount Fuji will change drastically.
Yamanashi Prefecture will restrict access to the Yoshida-guchi trail on Mount Fuji next summer,
by erecting a barrier near the fifth station, which will be closed from 4 p.m. to 2 a.m., to prevent climbers from climbing stages overnight.
The barrier will also be closed if the number of climbers exceeds 4,000 in one day. A toll will also be charged.

Below is the message about it. It is in Japanese, so please translate it using Google or other means.

Many uncivilized mountaineers have become a big problem recently.
Hasty ascents of Mount Fuji, campfires and camping on trails where it is actually forbidden, etc.
Some even walked over the ropes that block access to the other side. The scene was broadcast on a news program, and the foreigners who crossed the access ban drew the ire of the Japanese people.
He said it was at his own risk, which further angered the Japanese.
This is what the Japanese hate the most. Everyone lives with the help of someone else.
If this disrespectful foreigner actually got lost, the Japanese police would be looking for him and his country’s embassy would have a lot to do.

Ken Noguchi is a Japanese mountaineer and environmental activist.
He has worked on various mountain restoration projects around the world, including Mount Everest, Mount Fuji and Manaslu.
He and other Japanese who love the mountains asked Yamanashi Prefecture to protect Mt. Fuji.

Think also of the Japanese religions.
Mt. Fuji has long been an object of faith for the Japanese, a mountain where gods dwell.
The Japanese are angry about the desecration of their sacred mountain.

The detailed rules for climbing Mt. Fuji next year will be discussed at the council meeting in mid-February.
My small travel agency will provide this information.
Please use our concierge service or our information box.



Information box


Messages from customers

I received a happy message from one of my client.
Thank you!

These guests were very interested in Shinto and wanted to pay an official visit to the shrine.
So I took them to Nitta Shrine in the south of Tokyo.
This shrine was founded in the 14th century and is still held in high esteem by the locals.
The priest is an official of the Shinto shrine authority and used to be a university professor.
He answered my customers’ questions with precision.
After the prayer, customers received souvenirs such as o-fuda (wooden prayer cards that resemble icons).

The nice photos were taken by the customer.


Letzte Woche sind wir wieder in die Schweiz zurückgekehrt. Etwas mehr als sieben Wochen durften wir Ihr wunderschönes Land entdecken.

Meiner Frau und mir ist es ein Anliegen, Ihnen noch einmal ganz herzlich zu danken für Ihre Hilfe bei der Übersetzung des Fahrzeugausweises und der Organisation des Besuches dieses wunderschönen Schreines und der sehr interessanten Begegnung mit dem Priester. Wir denken gerne und oft daran zurück und die überreichten Geschenke schmücken jetzt unsere Wohnung.


Beware of the strongest wild animals, bears

Sixty-seven percent of Japan’s land area is forested.
As a result, there are many wild animals.
The most dangerous wild animal is probably the bear.
According to a survey by the Ministry of the Environment, brown bears inhabit about 55% of Hokkaido, and black bears inhabit about 45% of Honshu.

In 2023, it is said that there are very few nuts for bears to feed on, and many bears have been sighted.
In search of food, bears are coming to areas where humans live.
Especially in the Hokkaido, Tohoku, and Hokuriku regions, there have been many reports of bear attacks.
Some people have been seriously injured or killed by bears.
Bears appear not only on well-maintained hiking trails, but also in private homes.

Bears are not only large but also physically strong animals.
It is said that bears can run at speeds of up to 50 kilometers per hour, making it impossible for humans to run away from them.
In addition to its sharp claws and fangs, the bear has the power to blow off a human’s jaw with a single blow.
Bears have a habit of targeting the face first, so in addition to contusions to the face, some people suffer horrific injuries that are hard to describe.
Doctors who have treated them say that the conditions are often horrific.

Hiking and climbing can feel great, but without adequate information it can be dangerous.
Furthermore, be careful when traveling in rural areas.
Be sure to get local information before you go.

What to do if you meet a bear
(There is a button to change the language in the upper right corner of the site.)

News video (in Japanese. Please set the subtitles to translate to view)

Do you know about eSIM?

I’ve been a tech enthusiast for a long time. From the days of dial-up connections, I’ve been carrying around small computers all over the world. Do any of you remember a device called a “modem coupler”?

Nowadays, with the development of Wi-Fi, things have become incredibly convenient. Moreover, you can easily connect to the internet using just a smartphone, without the need for a computer. Thinking back to the days of struggling with dial-up connections, it feels like a dream.

By the way, what do you do when you travel abroad? Do you rely on each mobile carrier’s roaming services or swap out SIM cards to use your smartphone in foreign countries?

Recently, something called “eSIM” has emerged. While you still switch out SIM cards, it’s done online, and there’s no need to physically replace the tiny SIM card inside your smartphone. Everything is done on your smartphone. However, since it’s still a relatively new technology, eSIM-compatible devices are limited. Nevertheless, more and more devices are becoming compatible, so if you’ve recently upgraded your smartphone, why not check it out? Your next trip could be even more comfortable.

Here’s a link for more information about eSIM:

Holafly eSIM

You can get a small discount through this link.
Also, before making a purchase, be sure to confirm that your smartphone is eSIM compatible.

New services will be introduced this winter. Exclusive concierge service for your unforgettable trip in Japan.

As a small travel agency in Tokyo, we offer you special assistance to truly enjoy Japan. Our concierge service aims to make your trip to Japan an exceptional experience.

We guide you to Japan’s hidden treasures.
We take you to hidden and spectacular places, as well as local tourist attractions that have remained undiscovered by foreign tourists. We provide you with truly fascinating information that you won’t find in every guidebook.

Experience the local culture.
We offer you information on how to navigate local areas, attend local events, and enjoy festivals. We want to help you immerse yourself in traditional Japanese culture to create deeper travel memories.

Discover delicious food.
From restaurant recommendations to exquisite gourmet offerings from all over Japan, we assist you in selecting and reserving culinary experiences that match your taste and preferences.

Suggestions for comfortable accommodations.
We provide you with information about hotels and inns. By selecting accommodations that suit your style, we ensure your stay is comfortable. Many accommodations only accept bookings in Japanese, but we can also open up these options for you.

Adaptation to Japanese etiquette.
We provide you with information about Japanese manners and customs. Our goal is to support you in interacting with locals and ensuring you feel comfortable during your stay in Japan.

Emergency support.
We assist you in emergencies during your trip to and within Japan. We are always here for you, allowing you to enjoy your journey without worries.

Convenient travel itineraries.
We create efficient and fulfilling travel itineraries. Our aim is to propose a plan that optimizes your limited time and allows you to fully enjoy the charm of Japan.

Seamless travel with Japanese lessons.
We offer basic Japanese courses tailored for traveling in Japan, helping you communicate better.

We are here to provide you with an exceptional travel experience in Japan. We offer customized support tailored to your preferences and interests. Let’s create an unforgettable journey together.

Why are we establishing this concierge service?

We advise our customers on a variety of matters.
These are complex questions that a regular travel agency cannot answer.

Compared to the past, it has become much easier for customers to book hotels and flight tickets online by themselves.
Additionally, there is a community of travelers exchanging information.
Unfortunately, this has led many travel agencies to become mere booking agents.
This wouldn’t suffice for travelers who have many questions.

The role of a travel agency is to professionally address customers’ desires.
Our concierge service is what a travel agency should be.

Our task is to ensure our customers have a safe and enjoyable journey.
Each customer has their own travel wishes. We help them realize those wishes.


Let’s try Omikuji. How is my luck?

There are many temples and shrines in Japan.
Many Japanese people visit them, especially at New Year, to wish themselves good luck.
In tourist areas, many worshippers also visit them outside the New Year.
Many try OMIKUJI after they finish the prayer.

Omikuji is one of the traditional forms of fortune telling in Japan. It is usually practiced at shrines and temples. Omikuji is a way to learn about one’s destiny and a prediction of the future, and many people look forward to it.

To draw an omikuji, you must first go to a place in a shrine or temple where omikuji is available. There, you may have to pay a certain fee or put money in a box. Usually, it costs between 100 and 300 yen to draw an omikuji. Then you get a small paper strip from the box or container provided.

The paper strip, also called an omikuji, is usually printed with characters or information. Each character represents a particular fortune or message. “Daikichi,” for example, means “the greatest luck” and represents good fortune and success. “Kyo,” on the other hand, represents bad luck or trouble and urges caution.

After you draw an omikuji, you can read its contents to learn its meaning. Omikuji may contain advice or prophecies related to good luck, health, love, and work.

Even if you are not satisfied with the result of your omikuji, there is no need to worry. The omikuji is just an indication, and you can change your future through your actions and efforts. If you receive an omikuji that indicates bad luck, you can tie it to a string connected to the omikuji stand at the shrine or temple. The shrine priests or temple monks will take care of it appropriately so that you will be protected from bad luck. However, remember to heed the message and be careful in your actions.

Here are some words frequently found in Omikuji:

大吉 Daikichi (Great Blessing): The best of luck.
吉  Kichi (Good Luck): A favorable good fortune.
中吉 Chukichi (Medium luck): Your luck may improve depending on your efforts.
小吉 Shokichi (Little luck): Neither good nor bad luck.
末吉 Suekichi (Future luck): Look to the future.
凶     Kyo (Misfortune): There may be trouble or misfortune. Be careful.
I studied Shinto at a university specializing in that field, and worked as a miko (shrine maiden) at a large shrine in Nagoya. During that time, I also sold omikuji, and they were very popular. The faces of the visitors were always cheerful, and they seemed very happy.

Although omikuji is widely accepted as part of Japanese culture and beliefs, it is also a pleasure for foreigners. If you have the opportunity to visit Japan, I highly recommend the Omikuji experience. You will be able to enjoy the anticipation of your happiness and future. Usually, the Omikuji is only in Japanese, so it is helpful to have a guide or someone who speaks Japanese to explain it to you. Recently, some temples, such as Senso-ji Temple in Asakusa, have started offering omikuji in English.


LGBT in Japan: A Journey Through History, Society, and Hospitable Accommodations

There is a history book called ‘Nihon Shoki’ (Chronicle of Japan) that was written about 1,300 years ago. In it, a gay couple named ‘Shinonohafuri’ and ‘Amanohafuri’ is described. This is probably the oldest surviving record of LGBT people in Japan. Additionally, homosexuality is also mentioned in famous classical literature such as ‘The Tale of Genji.’ Historically, Japanese attitudes toward homosexuality may have been very tolerant.

In recent times, a singer and actor named Akihiro Miwa is very famous. While biologically male, he has always presented himself as a beautiful woman. His relationship with the writer Yukio Mishima was also well-known (Yukio Mishima was married and had children). Mishima once said to Akihiro Miwa, ‘Your shortcoming is that you are not in love with me.’ The Japanese consider this episode a fine piece of literature.

Akihiro Miwa ↓

Incidentally, Japanese people usually travel as married couples or families, but it is also common for male-to-male and female-to-female friends to travel together and stay in the same room. For hotel and ryokan employees, it does not matter whether their customers are couples or simple friends. It is a misconception that a hotel that is not LGBT-friendly will refuse to accommodate guests. First of all, there is a ‘Ryokan Business Law’ in Japan that makes it very difficult for hotels to refuse accommodation.

Hotels and ryokans are prohibited from refusing accommodation except in the following cases: (Ryokan Business Law, Article 5).

When it is clear that the person who intends to stay is suffering from a contagious disease.
When it is apparent that the person intending to stay is likely to commit an illegal act or an act that disturbs public morals.
When there is no room in the accommodation.
You may be troubled by the term ‘public morals’ in item 2. Specifically, for example, you can interpret that a person who intends to stay at the accommodation is involved in one of the following:

If a person intending to stay overnight in an accommodation is a member of a crime syndicate, etc.
When engaging in behavior that causes significant inconvenience to other guests.
When violent demands or requests for an unreasonable burden are made regarding accommodation.
Are you a member of a crime syndicate? Are you a danger to others? If not, the hotel cannot refuse your accommodation due to the law.

In Japan, it is nice to relax in an onsen (hot spring). We hope you will enjoy it. In onsen ryokan, you can bathe in separate large baths for men and women. Please note that people with tattoos may be denied bathing.

Click here for an article about tattoos ↓

Why are tattoos frowned upon in Japan?

Female and male visitors to major public baths use the baths according to their gender at birth. If you experience any inconvenience or are unable to use the main baths due to your tattoo, do not be discouraged. Some ryokans have private baths or rooms with small outdoor baths. These private spaces allow you to relax without any worries.

My small travel agency can arrange such ryokans for you, and if you have any concerns, we can discuss them with you. I hope you enjoy your wonderful trip in Japan.



Do you know the recycling rate of PET bottles in Japan?

Since Japan is often mistakenly seen as reluctant to recycle, I would like to discuss this.

Currently, Japanese supermarkets and convenience stores charge for plastic bags. Some stores still offer them for free, but there have been debates on this issue.

How much resources can we save by reducing the use of plastic bags? Of the petroleum consumed in Japan, only 2.7% is used to produce plastics, and of that, plastic bags in turn account for 2.2%. In other words, plastic bags consume only 0.05% of petroleum. Even if this percentage were reduced to zero, it would have little impact on resource savings. This is because the material for plastic bags, polyethylene, is derived from naphtha, which is a byproduct of petroleum refining and was previously treated as waste. Even if the use of plastic bags is discontinued, it would have little effect on petroleum consumption.

In addition, waste incinerators in Japan are capable of withstanding high temperatures of over 800°C. Waste heat from the incinerators is used to generate electricity and heat water, and nearly 90% of the waste heat is recovered as energy.

The recycling rate for PET bottles in Japan was 86.0% in 2021. In comparison, the recycling rate for PET bottles in Europe in 2019 was about 57.5% (although this is already somewhat outdated data). PET bottles for beverages have plastic labels that can be easily peeled off. The Japanese remove the labels and caps and forward the PET bottles for recycling.

In Japan, candy is often sold in multiple packages. This is also due to the climate in Japan. Due to the high humidity, extra packaging is required in some cases to protect the products from moisture. Therefore, it is not possible to eliminate packaging completely.

People in Japan make it a point to look at environmental issues on a scientific basis, rather than emotionally, and find better solutions.

*The work of Japanese economist Nobuo Ikeda was used as a reference.

The best season to travel in Japan: tips and recommendations

The best time to travel to Japan is a frequently asked question. I will be happy to give you all the information you need on this.

The New Year period, Obon (mid-August) and Golden Week (a consecutive holiday period in late April to early May) are vacation periods when Japanese people travel, so I can’t recommend it because it is very crowded everywhere, both on trains and planes.
Also, late July to mid-September gets very hot, and the risk of heat stroke increases. In addition, August and September is also typhoon season.
Flight and train delays, as well as cancellations, are more frequent, and in areas with strong typhoon effects, it can even be dangerous.
If you plan to travel during this time, always keep an eye on current weather and traffic conditions.

In general, spring and autumn are considered good times to travel to Japan. There are no objections there.
Before the rainy season begins, the climate is pleasant, and in late November to early December you can also enjoy the autumn foliage color.
In winter, depending on the destination you choose, you can travel without any problems, and there are fewer tourists, so you can make your stay pleasant.

You can also enjoy a quiet trip during the rainy season if you choose to stay in a particular region.
Staying in an onsen (hot spring)-ryokan(Hotel) is also a recommended idea. By the way, there is no rainy season on Hokkaido Island, so you don’t have to worry so much about rain.

I hope this information can help you plan your trip.
Japan has its own charm in every season, and you will be able to enjoy it no matter what time you come.
Take good care of yourself and enjoy your wonderful trip in Japan!

How big is Japan?

I would like to give you basic information about Japan that is often asked by our customers.

By May 1, 2023, the population of Japan is about 124.5 million people.
The area of Japan is about 377,972 square kilometers. Japan is an elongated country with a north-south extension of about 3,000 kilometers and an east-west extension of about 400 kilometers.

Germany is said to have a population of about 83.4 million people and an area of about 357,022 square kilometers, while Switzerland has a population of about 8.8 million people and an area of about 41,290 square kilometers. Austria has a population of about 8.91 million people and an area of about 83,879 square kilometers.
Don’t you think Japan is a pretty big country? Japanese people themselves often think that Japan is a small country, but in fact it is not so small.

Besides, many people have the image of a metropolis like Tokyo in their minds, so they tend to think that Japan does not have much nature.
The forest area of Japan is about 25,125,000 hectares, which is about 68% of the land area of Japan.
Japan has a long coastline due to its island location. The length of this is about 35,000 kilometers.
This is about 87.3% of the distance one would travel from Berlin to orbit the earth.

By the way, if you are considering a trip to Hokkaido, you should know that the area of Hokkaido is about 78,000 square kilometers.
The Czech Republic has an area of about 78,866 square kilometers. So Hokkaido is slightly smaller than the Czech Republic.
I recommend you to consider the size of Hokkaido before planning your trip.
There are even Japanese travelers who do not know the size of Hokkaido and travel there without awareness, which often causes astonishment among people in Hokkaido.